nitty gritty goes MAAD on 9th September 2011
5pm - 12MN :)
Thanks to all my supporters who came to buy & say 'Hi'. It was a blast for me! I enjoyed my evening making new friends and seeing familiar faces! Without you all, it wouldn't have been a meaningful night for me. I'll be working on some more pretty things to stock up for October's MAAD! See'ya all later!
xoxo nitty gritty xoxo
Hello Grace! I really love your bags and pouches. As spoken, I am looking to buy another 1 of your lovely pompom wristlets. Are Red High Tea or Blue High Tea still available for sale? Now I am thinking of buying the russian doll pouch too! I am looking for something that is a combo of light pink and blue.. not sure if there is something that you can make for me? BTW, I have sent your blog address to my colleagues, you will definitely hear from them... Love and cheers, Janice. You can get me at, or we should see each other again for the next MAAD event!