Hello Everyone

Thank you for visiting. I hope you'll find my blog fun & inspiring. Here's where I can share with you my life, what I do and who I am. I hope you'll feel happy & glad after reading my posts.
If you do fancy any of my past creations, you may email me for pre-order.
cheerios, xoxo

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Ribbit" Sonja's first story book

Lil' Sonja says: I haven't slept enuf Dada
Went to baby clinic for Sonja's assessment, woke up earlier than usual.
Captured Sonja in her "not-enuf-sleep" look.
Bought Sonja her first story book titled I'm Just A Frog.
A funny book with froggy bubbled eye & black movable eyeballs...

My Little moments of happiness

Marley the Russian Doll Bookmark

Have you ever had times when when you walk into a store & somehow felt that there's something waiting to be found by you? I had one.
Was drawn by the cuteness of a stationary shop while waiting for Bevan to return from the loo... Just as I was browsing through shelves & racks of even more cuteness, my heart just kinda beat a little faster as I feel that there's something I fancy around the corner.Frantically like a radar sensor searching for its target, I FOUND IT!!! A Russian Doll Book Mark, my favourite character. She's barely 5 cm tall, hidden behind some taller bookmarks. And she's the ONLY one sitting on the shelf... waiting for me to claim her. She cost nothing more than $2 but it's not the price tag, it's the moment of JOY that outburst from me when we meet. I guess that's also how its like if not even better, that when God searches thru' people & found the ONE he knows is waiting for Him. That moment of Joy for those who find and be found!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

nittygritty Shoppee : Pom Pom Wristlet Collection Uploaded!

*** Trumpets Please ***

Yay!!! I'm just so glad that I manage to upload my collection of Pom Pom Wristlets today. Check them out at 'View My Complete Profile', under the Blog titled 'Pretty Pouches'.
May today be a great day of achievement for you and tomorrow even more. Think I'm gonna do up my 'Accessories' Blog page tommorow... that's a challanging one cos I've many designs to upload. But Ha! if I can manage this one today, no problem to that tomorrow!
xoxo Luv xoxo

Monday, May 25, 2009

Fleamania 23 May 2009

FleaMania @8Q, 23rd May 2009
Below are some photos taken at the event. The weather was super hot that day. I brought my little Sonja along with me. Both of us braved the hot sun and humidity! Way to go baby girl...... we'll have lots more of fleamarkets to do together. Anyway despite the weather, we had a really good experience that day. Thanks to my dear customers who supported me. Hope to see you soon!

Lil' Baby Sonja says:
"The weather's so hot ya know. I'm grumpy! Don't you dare come near me... Touch my rattle and I'll fight you!"
Isn't she adorable... a lil' grouchy but I thought it was so cute!
Puffy Floret Hair Pins, $8 Each

I enjoy making these little florets especially when I am on the bus. Not only do they help me to pass time but also making them makes me happy. I sure have a fruitful trip!!!

My necklace display units

I love this necklace wardrobe that Bevan made for me. Thank you Hubby! Finally, I can hang up all my funky funny long layered necklaces......

nittygritty Earring collection

Can you spot little puffy floret earrings? Aren't they sweet! Think I'm gonna make one for myself too!

Ta-Da!!!! My nittygritty Stall

This display took me more than a hour to do, moving in and out of shade to hide from Mr. Sunshine whos super strong that day! Anyway, I got it ready before the crowd comes in. Yipee!
P/s: Can you spot a bright red pram in between all that stuff and the 'photographer'.... hahaha.... proof that we were there!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Hi everyone, welcome to my blog... I've only just got started blogging and would really love to not only share a part of my daily life with you but also the things that I do - C.R.A.F.T.
As I am currently starting to craft again after sometime + being a new mum to my darling baby Sonja, I will slowly but surely update this blog with pretty things and beautiful pictures. See you soon.
xoxo Grace xoxo