FleaMania @8Q, 23rd May 2009
Below are some photos taken at the event. The weather was super hot that day. I brought my little Sonja along with me. Both of us braved the hot sun and humidity! Way to go baby girl...... we'll have lots more of fleamarkets to do together. Anyway despite the weather, we had a really good experience that day. Thanks to my dear customers who supported me. Hope to see you soon!
Lil' Baby Sonja says:
"The weather's so hot ya know. I'm grumpy! Don't you dare come near me... Touch my rattle and I'll fight you!"Isn't she adorable... a lil' grouchy but I thought it was so cute!
Puffy Floret Hair Pins, $8 Each I enjoy making these little florets especially when I am on the bus. Not only do they help me to pass time but also making them makes me happy. I sure have a fruitful trip!!!
My necklace display units
I love this necklace wardrobe that Bevan made for me. Thank you Hubby! Finally, I can hang up all my funky funny long layered necklaces......
nittygritty Earring collection
Can you spot little puffy floret earrings? Aren't they sweet! Think I'm gonna make one for myself too!
Ta-Da!!!! My nittygritty Stall This display took me more than a hour to do, moving in and out of shade to hide from Mr. Sunshine whos super strong that day! Anyway, I got it ready before the crowd comes in. Yipee!
P/s: Can you spot a bright red pram in between all that stuff and the 'photographer'.... hahaha.... proof that we were there!