Hello Everyone

Thank you for visiting. I hope you'll find my blog fun & inspiring. Here's where I can share with you my life, what I do and who I am. I hope you'll feel happy & glad after reading my posts.
If you do fancy any of my past creations, you may email me for pre-order.
cheerios, xoxo

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Ribbit" Sonja's first story book

Lil' Sonja says: I haven't slept enuf Dada
Went to baby clinic for Sonja's assessment, woke up earlier than usual.
Captured Sonja in her "not-enuf-sleep" look.
Bought Sonja her first story book titled I'm Just A Frog.
A funny book with froggy bubbled eye & black movable eyeballs...


  1. LOL! shall be following the blog. Ooo, what a grouch! - terence

  2. Love your pics on Sonja! She's truly a babe! ;)
